All images and text supplied in this blog are the creative and intellectual property of Amelia 'Amz' Kelso, and are therefore copyright. Plagiarism, unauthorized use or inappropriate/offensive use of work will result in legal action under the Australian Copyright Act.

Monday, March 28

Busy Bees... or Fish.


There hasn't been much time for my own work because I've
been editing my boyfriend's photography for the upcoming
ALL ABOARD show! Wheew! It's all looking fantastic
so far, you can check out his ideas and subject matter up on
the Amitty Studios Blog. I'm on my second board, and loving it.
Nothing better than a killer icecream. Also, here's a snap of my
new fish, Baby Fugu. He is a Panda Moor and is very happy in
his new tank... He lives with Hugo the Black Moor. Also, for the
hell of it, here's a cute snap of Hugo (pronounced Hoo-Go)
being... well, cute!

See? He's a little Panda!


I adore my goldfish. I know that's a funny thing to say, as they
don't really do much other than swim around and eat food. But,
I love watching them and making them happy with nibbles and
toys in their tank.

See you all in two weeks for ALL ABOARD!

Lots of love and bubbles;
Amz, Baby Fugu & Hugo. x

Saturday, March 26

Super Quick Post!

WIP Shot 2: Board 2 by Amz Kelso
WIP Shot 2: Board 2, a photo by Amz Kelso on Flickr.

Homicidal Mr. Whippy. Acrylic on wood... a skateboard in fact! My second piece for the ALL ABOARD exhibition in Melbourne this April.

More info @



Friday, March 18

Sketches #1


I am finally putting up a few sketches I've
been threatening to... well, since I started this
blog last yet. Eep! They're super old, I still have
all the originals... don't judge me.

Yep. Just a few of the oldies. The style is quite different
to a lot of my newer pieces, but it's not too bad.

ANYWAY, I need to go paint my front door. Long story.

Sketches and Scaffolds.

Amz; x

Wednesday, March 16


I had a few titles for this. First it was 'electricity', then 'spark',
and then when genius struck me and I added the lips it turned into 'BITCH'...
Alternately titled, 'Lazer Nipples from Shiny Town'.

I'm not SUPER happy with the lineart but I enjoy the colouring & the
pink body's textures to upload it. Textures from Mayang's again.

Photoshop CS3, Wacom Intuos 4.

... I just tried uploading another piece I recently finished but it won't
let meee! T____T so instead, here is a scribbly, comic exert of my character Chester:

In other news, I was just attacked by a chess piece.

Chess pieces & Chesters,

Amz; x

Tuesday, March 15

WIP Skateboard:

WIP board 2 by Amz Kelso
WIP board 2 a photo by Amz Kelso on Flickr.


Here's a shot of my skateboard so far. If you haven't read already, I am creating and appearing in a brand new exhibition at Grumpy's Green (125 Smith Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne)! It's called 'ALL ABOARD' and is featuring a range of hand-painted skateboards from local artists and some wicked work also from local photographers. So yeah, here's my board so far. This is after six hours of painting in the sunshine on my veranda, being over seen by a small Maltese x Shitzu. My dog likes to feel involved and vicariously live through my jointed thumbs. I'll be posting more photos up soon, but if you'd like to see my process you can check me out painting on For someone who hates painting because she ain't good at it, I did alright. Hahaha!

Until next time,

Brushes & Boards,

Amz. x

Saturday, March 12

My alarm clock is broken.


That's right, the clock broke.

Now usually that would mean more sleep time, unfortunately for me it's
broken in a way where even if you switch it off it'll continue to go off. I
fixed it up after bashing it a few times and fiddling with the switch. Haha.
Now I'm listening to Miami by Taking Back Sunday, after spending way
too much time pouring through old sketch books and finding the abandoned
comics that were so well formed, poingant and ridiculously worked-up...

I feel bad. Bad parent! All those ideas were never completed, regardless of
the fact I remember spending weeks and weeks completing character rotations,
redrawing them to perfection, putting them through panels and panels of
fully-formed work. My GOODNESS! I should go back to them.

On another note, I've finished one of the most incredible books I've
ever read. A change from my German crime fiction and classic Golding novels.
That's right, it has to be 'Things the Grandchildren Should Know'
an autobiographical novel by Mark Oliver Everett ('E' of the Eels).

(Photo found in the Flickr, from:

Regardless of the fact that E doesn't have any Grandkids, let alone Children,
(and makes a point of it) it's a very good read both my Dad and I were hooked on.

Now I already knew details of his life- very tragic and full of death,
but the depth of which you delve and the accounts of his life,
the way he survived being him, and became happy and succesful... Wow.
I know I'ev made it sound like some sort of garish book now, but it's not one
stories. It's just his life. Quietly inspirational, raw and beautiful.
He doesn't complain, he doesn't whine and talk about giving
up every thirty seconds. He takes you through his life as both a
musician and a child, growing up in a very disfunctional family with
a troubled-genius Father, depressed Mother
and suicidal alcoholic-drug-abusing Sister whom he loved dearly.

Here's an exert from the novel:

“To me, it wasn’t a record [Electro-Shock Blues] about death. That was missing the point.
It was about life. And death was a big part of life that tended to be ignored,
or denied. No one wanted to think there would be an end to themselves,
but I couldn’t ignore it, and I realized that if you treat it like the everyday
fact of life that it is, it becomes less scary. And also, by being more aware of death,
you gain a perspective on living and how you’d better
make it count, whatever that may mean to you.”

It's an incredibly easy read and is very touching. I think everyone can
benefit from reading it. Really, I do. DO IT. Go borrow it, and read it.
Trust me, you will not regret it's wit, intellect and poignancy.

As for the art side of things, a while back I drew this but never posted
it, so here's something I worked on recently. It's not done, but you know...
Thought you might enjoy having a squiz.

It was based on the back of a card, you dig?
Yup. Anyway, I've run out of things to say and a handsome blonde will
fast appear on my doorstep. So, off I go! Perhaps next post I'll show off
some of my old comic sketches? I feel like reviving them...


Friday, March 4



Hello there!

Totally updated my Etsy, there, I did it, see?
No more 'Will be appearing on my Etsy soon',
'cause they're THERE! n__n

I baked, glazed and photographed a lot of pieces
over the last couple of days. A few of them are up now...
not all though. You'll have to wait some more. They are
all on my flickr, so there's your sneak peek!

Here are some of my favorites:

Glazed Fruit Tarts:
(NFS as of yet)

Gameboiiii Colour:
(NFS on Etsy yet, sorry,
this one is for my oldest friend)

My favourite!

Love his little toof. :)

That's about all for now. I need a shower, a hot chocolate
and my cuddly, mink unicorn blanket! So chilly tonight.

Baby Corn and Blue Gameboys,

Amz; x

Thursday, March 3

You are my Star!


Here is sit in a mustard jumper, tea in one
hand and iphone in the other, loading up what
I know will just be spam emails but hope
are from prospective sponsors for my new exhibition.
I opened this page thinking about what to write,
and as that little blinking line judged me for not
having anything interesting to say,
I realised... I learnt something new today!
So perhaps I'll share that, ey?
"In the Milky Way galaxy alone, there are a
trillion stars for each person on Earth."
Neat, huh?
So to my trillion little friends up there, please keep
twinkling on and lighting up the way for all the little
monsters out tonight. And in the morning let Melbourne's
weather cloud up the sky and let you sleep 'til tomorrow.
Speaking of which I've just completed a new batch
of pendants, *CLUNKY SEGWAY* called
'Melbourne Weather' Cloud Pendants. This is a bad photo
of them, but you get the jist:

Melbourne Weather Cloud pendants!

Shiny, like all those little stars. c:
They'll soon be up on my Etsy for around $16-$20
(so bad I haven't uploadedanything onto Etsy in a while!
Should get on that) I know I say that a lot but I swear I
will this time! Ahaha. The purple one is mine,
it was a test one, and a little odd but I still like it. I kind
of wish it was happy though... hindsight. Damn.
Still diggin' 'em though. I love making jewellery.
That's all for now! Maybe next post I'll show you all
my skateboard art?
Twinkling stars;
Amz. xo