All images and text supplied in this blog are the creative and intellectual property of Amelia 'Amz' Kelso, and are therefore copyright. Plagiarism, unauthorized use or inappropriate/offensive use of work will result in legal action under the Australian Copyright Act.

Wednesday, September 8

Monday, September 6


Year Twelve I did my VCD final as a comic.
Not a full comic, just 4 character boards
and a cover. I won't post the boards here, (they're
cringe worthy) but I'll post t
he cover later.

Why bring this up now? I found the boards
yesterday evening and had a little bit of fun.

This is a comic page I drew yesterday as a
mock of what it might look like... if I ever
draw it. HORROR AHOY.

Monsters and Manic-Depression,
such is my week...

Amz. x